Okay. Seriously, I got a shock seeing my last posted date. It's like months ago damnit. I've been too lazy to update my blog esp during the exam period!
I went online today to google on "ways to control your anger" and "how to be more self discipline". I seriously think I need some anger management thingy. I've tried to do something about it and apparently i guess its not working! :) I know its normal to be angry over issues, but definately not right to be venting it onto other pl esp the ones u love though. I know that. I really know that. But, sometimes I just can't help it. I will try my best to wk things out i promise :)
The trip is getting nearer and im getting more & more excited! Lots and lots of food! Definately gonna gain some weight by the time i get back. Though its just for a week, I'm definately gonna miss my family.